


Publicado: 2016-08-28


La entrevista de PPK con la Srta Katie Llanos-Small de Latin Finance, me parece que fue en la casa de Choquehuanca y usted puede ver el video colgado en el internet, simplemente colocando Latin Finance; entrevista PPK o en el link que se adjunta a este post. Allí escuchara una entrevista de apenas unos 2 minutos en idioma inglés, en donde PPK señala con toda claridad que el piensa que no se le debe nada a Gramercy. Ese Fondo Buitre que tiene aquí a sus lobistas infames.


'I don't think we owe [Gramercy] anything' - Exclusive

Aug 22, 2016

VIDEO: Pedro Pablo Kuczynski says sovereign has “a very good team of lawyers”, in exclusive interview with LatinFinance

Katie Llanos-Small

Keywords: Pedro Pablo Kuczynski PPK Gramercy Fund Management Agrarian bonds Trade Promotion Agreement

Peru’s newly-elected President has hit back at Gramercy Fund Management’s $1.6bn lawsuit against the country, saying the fund is not due anything – and that the sovereign has lawyered up.

"I don’t think we owe them anything," Pedro Pablo Kuczynski told LatinFinance in an exclusive interview in Lima on Friday. "It’s that simple."

Gramercy says Peru’s treatment of its claim has violated the country’s Trade Promotion Agreement with the US.

"These land reform bonds were issued in the 1970s, they’re under Peruvian law, not internationally recognized bonds," Kuczynski said. "And we have a very good team of lawyers. These folks think they can buy something for a cent and make 100. It doesn’t work that way."

Starting in 1969, Peru's military government granted the agrarian reform bonds to farmers as compensation for land seizures. The country began defaulting on the bonds in the 1980s, during a time of hyperinflation. Gramercy says it bought about 10,000 of the defaulted bonds, or about 20% of the total, in 2006.

The situation is different to Latin America’s most recent sovereign fight with a hedge fund – and with Peru’s previous encounters with aggressive creditors, the newly elected president said.

"This is not funded debt like the Argentine bonds were, that were actually issued. This is something quite different…. The same group of investors – Paul Singer and company – already in the late 1990s got Peru to pay up. But that was funded, internationally recognized debt. This is not."

Kuczynski says the sovereign will address the issue in due course.

"We will look at it when the issue comes up. They’ve hired lobbyists, they’re making a big fuss. And we’re not stupid. We know what to do. We’ll face the music if there is music."

Peru's finance ministry criticized Gramercy's move in a statement last month, before Kuczynski took office on July 28.

"Gramercy attacks Peru and the system it has in place in an effort to obtain increased returns to which it has no right. It is Gramercy, not Peru, that has violated the object, purpose and requirements of the treaty," the finance ministry said in a statement.

The fund said a lack of dialogue had forced it into a legal dispute.

"Peru’s stonewalling and steadfast refusal to have any substantive discussions has left Gramercy no choice but to commence arbitration and enforce its rights," Robert Koenigsberger, founder and CIO at Gramercy, said when the firm filed the suit in June.


El TC con sus mas y sus menos reconoció una deuda a los bonistas. Esto por si acaso debe estar en esas contingencias del 9% del PBI que reclama el Consejo Fiscal que existen, pero que los macrobúhos ignoran olímpicamente. Lo interesante sería que como esa deuda va desde unos US$ 4,000 a US$ 6,000 millones, en cálculos que han hecho un economista historiador por encargo del entonces ministro del MEF Benavides y otros aventureros de las proyecciones ; amén de reclamos del Congresista  Cejitas OlaecheA ,  que le parece que deben darles más billetes a los tenedores y encima han suspendido las ganancias de capital en la bolsa; esto debería ser ipso facto la 13 ava medida de Thorne para su ajuste tributario. Que la ganancia de capital de aquellos que compraron los bonos a sus tenedores originales,sea gravada por un 30%. De esta forma le ponemos fin a los que especulan con dinero en contra de todos los contribuyentes haciendo lobbies y barbaridad y media. Asimismo y de esta manera la faena se completa. Sólo se llevan el 100% los bonistas originales o su directa descendencia.Ojo que hay información pública que hasta la Beatriz Merino ex defensora del pueblo y ex primera Ministra y ex jefa de los Gnomos de las AFP´s ; ahora empleada del supuesto plagiario Acuña, presionaba públicamente a Humala en el año 2,011 , para que honrara esos bonos, porque eso nos daba caché ante la comunidad internacional. Incluso inventó un porcentaje para motivos altruistas y claro en aquella época decían que el erario público tenía plata como cancha.


For the full story click: Peru's PPK: 'I don't think we owe [Gramercy] anything' - Exclusive | LatinFinance

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Escrito por

dennis falvy

Economista de la Universidad Católica con un master en administración en la Universidad de Harvard; periodista en economía .

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